Contacte con nosotros
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta o comentario, por favor, háganoslo saber rellenando el siguiente formulario de contacto o llamando a nuestro teléfono de contacto.
Teléfono de Atención al cliente:
+34 942 89 27 39

User data will be dealt with in line with that established by the Law for Protection of Personal Data and guarantees of digital rights 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, we hereby inform you that the personal data provided through this form will be incorporated into the archive of the company FERNÁNDEZ JOVE, S.A., with sole purpose of facilitating an answer to your query or suggestion so as to inform you by any medium (including E-mail or any other equivalent electronic system) of all our activities products and services that may be of interest except if you tick the box requesting the contrary. You have the right to access,rectifiy cancel and oppose the terms as stipulated by law simply by writing to; FERNÁNDEZ JOVE, S.A., responsible for the archive, adress to the following, POLÍGONO TANOS – VIÉRNOLES C/ La Espina, 44 – 39300 TORRELAVEGA – CANTABRIA»